Sunday, February 8, 2009


I've been lacking the motivation to write a new entry in this here blog. But the time has come and motivation has struck.

I went to the 6th Annual Oxford Film Festival today. It's been going on since Friday. Kevin and I grabbed lunch, then headed to see The Last Lullaby at 1:45. It was good, great even. Superb acting, interesting plot line. If you took away the obnoxious noise of the gun shots, it was even better than Revolutionary Road (which we'd seen the day before). Then we headed to see A Mississippi Prom Night. It's a documentary about a school in Charleston, Miss., that still has segregated 2008. The film follows Morgan Freeman, as he offers to fund the prom IF and only IF it is integrated. When he originally offered this in 1997, more than ten years ago, he was turned down. Now, in 2008, he is taken up on his offer. It was a great film, funny, witty, yet almost heartbreaking. Because in this town of Charleston, Miss., racism is alive and well. Not by the kids of Charleston High School, but by their parents and grandparents. I only hope that change truly has happened and that in April of this year, the prom will once again be integrated.

After Prom Night (I shortened this, then was sadly reminded of the horror movie identically titled...ugh) Kevin and I ventured to see three short films, none documentaries.

We saw a foreign film, about a 40 year-old-woman and her attempt to find a man to love, or to just have a friendship with. Funnily enough, she ends up on a date with a 24-year-old guy who is looking to marry someone so as to obtain proper documentation to remain in the country. And she likes was interesting. Then we watched a black&white silent film...I can't really explain it. But it was nice. Open-ended, but nice. And finally, what Kevin had been waiting for, we saw Double Decker Confidential. A home grown, Oxford-based film (the actors and director were in the theater watching with us!). Every year in Oxford, there is the Double Decker Festival. Oxford owns a bunch of the red double-decker buses you know from London. They put on a huge festival with food, art and music. And in this film, the good guys discover a plot to blow up one of the buses in an attempt to return Oxford to how it was before the Hippie Hotel was knocked down. It was hilarious in moments, odd in other. And overall, a success.

I got my $14 worth and more. Yeah, that's right, it was that cheap.

And about Revolutionary Road. It was good, not great, but good. I think I enjoyed The Curious Case of Benjamin Button better. Road is superbly acted by Winslet and DeCaprio. They make their characters a joy to watch, while at the same time, painful to watch. You want so badly for each to be happy...but only one can be. It is beautifully directed (by Winslet's hubby) and acted. And exactly what Oscar voters look for. Me, I'll take Benjamin Button again. That was sooooo good. Brad Pitt, hubba hubba.

Wow, I've written a lot. Yay for motivation!

I feel it slipping away again...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Before I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Thought I'd break my blog in. Just a bit.

Today was a long day, made even longer by my getting up for a class where the professor didn't show. But I suppose there are worse things.

Tomorrow will be better. Only two classes, plus work. Wednesday is going to suck. A lot. lot. lot. lot.

That's all I feel like writing for now. I'll probably delete this first entry anyway. I'll write tomorrow night, when I have more time and it's not so close to my bedtime.

I'm off, to watch The Tonight Show with Jay Leno with Kevin before hopefully retiring. And by hopefully, I mean, hopefully my neighbors won't decide to talk so loud that I can hear them through the thin, thin walls separating our rooms.

Bye for now.